Tag Archives: bonnie blue farms

Scrambled eggs with goat cheese

Foiled again. I have been good this week. I have eaten twigs and sprouts and berries all in anticipation of going to the farmer’s market this morning for an Old World Doughnut Emporium sweet potato doughnut, hot out of the doughnut fryer with that perfectly crunchy exterior and feather light interior. Rolled in cinnamon sugar, of course.

I practically leap out of the car, past the crepe maker and lemonade stand searching for the Old World stall. It’s not there. I circle again. Still not there. Crap.

It’s not like there’s nothing to eat. I am standing in the middle of the friggin’ farmer’s market. It is overflowing with things to eat. So I make the rounds. Eggs, silver queen corn and mini bell peppers from my egg guy,  sage bratwurst and maple sausages from West Wind Farms, tomatoes and cabbage, green tomatoes for frying tonight, and garlic and chive goat cheese from Bonnie Blue Farm. I ought to be able to make something to eat out of this.

I’m sure many millions of people have already discovered scrambled eggs with goat cheese. And, actually, I just Googled it and they have. I am late to the party. But I have finally arrived. The key, of course, to scrambled eggs is to use real butter and to cook the eggs slowly so they remain creamy. I do this and melt in the garlic and chive goat cheese. Add a just-purchased tomato topped with salt, pepper and torn basil from my own herb garden. Serve directly on cutting board used to slice the tomato because why dirty up a plate? Oh, and add a leftover Sister Schubert yeast roll from last night’s supper.

Heaven. But not an Old World Doughnut Emporium sweet potato doughnut. Decidedly not.


Filed under breakfast, eggs, veggies